Thursday, February 18, 2010

Writing my feature story was interesting and definitely kept me on my toes. I started out with a great idea that I knew was going to turn into a fantastic story. Then my idea was crushed. I wanted to write a compelling story about what its like to work in the solar industry in Northern Colorado. Then I learned that this business is based upon government related tax credits. During a recession no one is doing work related to installing solar systems because they are extremely expensive endeavors. People in the industry are biding their time doing heating, air-conditioning repair and other related jobs until the next tax credits are issued.

Researching this assignment was easy because the people I interacted with were excited that I was interested in solar energy.

This assignment was enjoyable simply from the life lessons that come from making mistakes. I know that I am a better journalist from the experiences I had while writing this story. I wrote the story in the end, but I learned valuable journalistic lessons regarding research. At first I thought I should scrap the whole story and move on, but in the end I am glad I didn't.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This blog is going to function as a way for me to grow as a journalist and realize the opportunities of online reporting. Solar energy is the beat that I am covering for the semester. I chose this topic because I am interested in how Greeley is responding to environmental concerns regarding global warming and climate change.

This week is Clean Energy Week. Check out the steps businesses and governmental organizations are taking to make change happen.

In the past I have written for small publications, but this is my first blog. This is also my first beat to cover, but I have already learned that there are many businesses in Greeley that have been environmentally conscious for a number of years. One of these businesses is Comfort by Nature, a solar energy company.

One of my strengths as a journalist is that I am very passionate about my work. I believe that being a member of the press is one of the most important jobs available. The work comes with a duty to society, ethical responsibility and a unique level of excitement. I am excited about blogging because it is a different style of journalism than I have ever been a part of. I am excited to take a more conversational tone with my writing and am a little nervous about exploring new territory.